"There are enough gold deposits, artworks, and lost treasures near you to make you fabulously wealthy. " -Johann von Wera




When will you start your hunt for large treasures near you?

The list of potential treasures near you is astounding:

-Gold, silver, garnets, diamonds, opals, or other naturally occurring treasures

-Forgotten antiques in barns, sheds, attics, or thrift shops



-Artworks at swap meets or pawn shops

-Collectibles at garage sales

-Relics from past residents

-Historical items

Nearly weekly another true-treasure story is reported in the media of someone finding a life-changing treasure near them. What is near you right now?

I encourage you to start today with your research into amazing finds near you. Just the other day I have learned about an amazing lead for a large treasure buried and forgotten for over 100 years near me.

There is a fortune in hidden gold coins buried in The New Mexico Sand....hopefully I will have some great news to report!!!!

Continue the hunt and good luck my friends,






People often ask me what makes something valuable? For instance, if you had a table full of items at a garage sale, is  there a way to evaluate these items quickly for value?

I always look for something ODD. (c)...

"O" is for old. Older things have more value for many reasons. Most " older" items have fewer  copies (through accident, theft, or accidental disposal) thus increasing it's rarity factor.  All things being equal, this is the most important factor when it comes to evaluating items.

"D" is for distinctiveness, which is an often overlooked property. For instance, what would you pay for a famous actor's dentures? That ambiguity allows for a larger  amount of bargaining  during selling time. Distinctiveness drives high prices relating to paintings.

The second "D" is for design. What  condition and what great  "options" does this item offer to another collector.

While nothing can take the place of research, the quick appraisal of items is something that you will need to develop to become a successful, and rich treasure hunter. Experience in looking at items is the only way to become a truly educated treasure hunter.


-Nathan  and  Johann

Legal Notice: Be a safe, legal, and considerate treasure hunter. Consult with experts and learn as much as possible about any treasures, artifact, collectible, or item. No guarantee exists as to your success in finding treasures, buying antiques, or collecting items. No guarantee exists as to results or any treasure found.

 For more information, go to our website at:  treasureswithin10.com


For more up to date information, come visit our blog at: treasureswithin10.blogspot.com





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